ICAT Project


Meeting 71 – 31 January 2014

  • Actions from meeting 70 (Steve)
  • Meeting technology (Alistair)
  • Meeting in Dublin in March (Alistair)
  • ICAT roadmap (Steve)
  • Status of recent releases (Steve)
  • Coordination of IDS plugins (Andy/Christophe)
  • Release and SV for Pandata (Alistair)
  • Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
  • AOB (Any)

Notes 71

Present: Rolf, Shelley, Milan, Alistair, Kunal and Steve

Apologies: Tom

Kunal had looked at a number of choices including GoToMeeting? and Teamviewer. Evo was also suggested as another possibility. He will try out one or more products with Milan and Shelley and report back.

Alastair explained that the current Dublin meeting agenda was currently a clone of that for the the last meeting. Steve requested that any site reports should highlight any problems.

Steve went through the draft Road Map. A lot of useful ideas were put forward which will be reflected in the map:

  • Documentation improvements are needed for search and authorization (doing it efficiently)
  • Rolf has data export/import for his python code but it is quite slow. He uses yaml syntax with ids replaced by the uniqueness constraint fields which is similar to what Steve had in mind.
  • It was suggested again that it would be good to isolate the federation part of Topcat. This might be a service in its own right.
  • There was a suggestion that ICE should be incorporated into TopCAT.


PaNData service verification will start tomorrow.

Alistair said that he planned to produce a report on ICAT from PaNData. Steve asked him to make sure that problems were promptly reported in the usual way (the appropriate googlecode issue list) so that any issues could be addressed as soon as possible.

Milan had found a problem with TopCAT for which he will submit a bug report

Actions 71


Item Description Assigned Status
71.0 Organise the Dublin meeting Alistair In progress
71.1 Update road map with ideas from meeting Steve New
71.2 Submit TopCAT bug report Milan New
71.3 Invite WP4 of Pandata to provide feedback on their experience of ICAT products Alistair New
70.6 Test a collection of ICAT parts as Pandata release 003 Alistair In progress
70.9 Investigate alternative meeting technology Kunal In progress
61.1 Put the simple ICAT browser into contrib when it is ready Tom Pending
60.3 Finalise a release of IJP and send a note to the mailing list Steve Pending