ICAT Project


ICAT F2F Meeting – Berlin – 3rd and 4th May 2023

See also:

Attendees of the 2023 ICAT F2F in Berlin
Attendees of the 2023 ICAT F2F in Berlin


Processed Data (Wednesday, 3rd May, 09:30)

Metadata in ICAT (Experiment Parameters, Samples) (Wednesday, 3rd May, 11:00)

Performance Issues (Wednesday, 3rd May, 13:00)

Front-End (Wednesday, 3rd May, 14:30)

Community Engagement (Wednesday, 3rd May, 16:30)

ICAT Roadmap (Thursday, 4th May, 09:00)

Container and Orchestration, Packaging (Thursday, 4th May, 10:30)

Misc techbits (Thursday, 4th May, 13:00)

Open Discussion, Conclusion (Thursday, 4th May, 15:00)