ICAT F2F Meeting – Berlin – 3rd and 4th May 2023
See also:
- the indico site,
- the collaborative notes from the first day,
- the collaborative notes from the second day,
- the notes on the ICAT Roadmap.
Processed Data (Wednesday, 3rd May, 09:30)
- DOI and User Upload (Alexander Kemp)
- Processed Data at ESRF (Alex de Maria)
- PIDs for Raw Data and Data Publications at HZB (Rolf Krahl, no slides)
Metadata in ICAT (Experiment Parameters, Samples) (Wednesday, 3rd May, 11:00)
- Dataset Parameters at HZB (Rolf Krahl)
- Experiment Parameters at the ESRF (Marjolaine Bodin)
- ICAT Metadata at Diamond (Steve Collins)
- Samples at ISIS and Diamond (Kevin Phipps, no slides)
Performance Issues (Wednesday, 3rd May, 13:00)
- ICAT Performance: Rules and Public Steps (Patrick Austin)
- ICAT and SciCat Evaluation (Kevin Phipps)
- Improving ICAT Performance (Kevin Phipps, not presented during the meeting)
Front-End (Wednesday, 3rd May, 14:30)
- DataGateway (Louise Davies)
- ESRF Datahub (Alex de Maria)
Community Engagement (Wednesday, 3rd May, 16:30)
- ICAT Community Life (Andy Götz)
ICAT Roadmap (Thursday, 4th May, 09:00)
Container and Orchestration, Packaging (Thursday, 4th May, 10:30)
- Some Preliminary Work on Containerising Front-End Components (Alan Kyffin, no slides)
- A Docker Image for ICAT and Deployment at HZB (Rolf Krahl)
- ICAT – Kubernetes Deployment at Alba (Rodrigo Cabezas Quirós)
- Metadata Ingest Using python-icat (Rolf Krahl)
Misc techbits (Thursday, 4th May, 13:00)
- ICAT Free Text Search (Patrick Austin)
- DataGateway API & Search API (Viktor Bozhinov)
- Link ICAT with a Keycloak SSO (Rolf Krahl)
Open Discussion, Conclusion (Thursday, 4th May, 15:00)
- Some Considerations on Samples (Rolf Krahl)