Meeting 73 – 24 April 2014
- Actions from meeting 72 (Steve)
- ICAT development (Steve)
- TopCAT development (Wayne)
- Alternatives to Glassfish (Any)
- Issuing DOIs for ICAT (Tom)
- ICAT roadmap update (Steve)
- Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
- AOB (Any)
Notes 73
Present: Steve, Wayne, Kunal, Tom, Shelly
Apologies: Milan, Anton, Rolf
The meeting startup was delayed by about 10 minutes because of mistakes in setting up a laptop at RAL. Action 72.0 – Circulate likely time-scales for the items on the current road map is no longer relevant as a new roadmap – with dates – will be discussed in this meeting – Closed
Action 72.1 – Kunal had organised a Hangout familiarisation meeting last week – Closed
Action 72.2 – The IDS plugin interface was discussed in Dub with SSIlin and the views of Christophe accepted – Closed Action 72.3 – Tom explained that Alistair had had some misconfiguration – Closed
Action 72.4 – Fixed in 4.3.3 – Closed
Steve reported on the 4.3.3 SNAPSHOTs of the server and client. Shelly asked about the need to use Glassfish 4. Steve explained that Glassfish 4 was used for testing and that it allowed the deployment order of components to be defined but that version 3 of Glassfish should still work.
Wayne reported that the next TopCAT release was delayed by about a month. Various bug fixes had been made but the upload facility was not yet complete.
Kunal has started looking at WildFly as an alternative container. He will report next month.
Tom explained his ideas about issuing DOIs for the ICAT software. He will put this into a posting in order to get feedback on the desired granularity – Action
Steve explained the updated roadmap. A couple of small changes were suggested and having reassured Tom that nothing had been removed besides giving consideration to integration of ICE into TopCAT and the construction of a federation service there was agreement that the updated roadmap – with the two extra changes from the meeting should replace the existing roadmap, but that the existing one be preserved on the web site to show progress. Changes to multi-ICAT searching were discussed, including providing mockups of the proposed designs.
Tom reported that Kevin had been updating their ICAT 4.3.2 to use Glassfish 4. He had had some problems with certificates.
Shelly asked about the date of the next meeting. It is normally held on the last Thursday of the month – so in this case the 29th May.
Actions 73
Item | Description | Assigned |
73.0 | Send round a proposal for ICAT DOIs | Tom |
73.1 | Report on issues porting to WildFly | Kunal |
73.2 | Send around details of Balsamiq mockups | Tom |
72.5 | Add authz rules to contrib directory | Tom |
71.3 | Invite WP4 of Pandata to provide feedback on their experience of ICAT products | Alistair |
61.1 | Put the simple ICAT browser into contrib when it is ready | Tom |
60.3 | Finalise a release of IJP and send a note to the mailing list | Steve |