ICAT Project


Meeting 85 – 28 May 2015


  • Actions from meeting 84 (Steve)
  • Component development
    • ICAT (Steve)
    • ICAT Manager
    • Python-icat (Rolf)
    • IDS (Steve)
      • FUSE (Condie)
      • Globus transfer (Frazer)
      • SmartClient (Steve)
      • WebDAV (Kevin)
    • TopCAT (Wayne)
    • IJP (Brian R)
    • Installation (Steve)
  • Migration to git/github (Steve)
  • RoadMap (Steve)
  • Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
  • AOB (Any)


Present : Condie, Steve, Tom G, Wayne, Milan, Kevin P, Brian R, Jianguo, Andy, Frazer

Apologies: Rolf

  • Action 84.0: Jianguo has been invited to and is currently attending the monthly meetings.
  • Action 84.1: Steve has circulated the details of the book to the group.
  • Action 84.2: The TopCAT V2 sprint reviews have been scheduled with one having taken place.
  • Action 84.3: Steve has created a backup of the SVN repository.
  • Action 84.4: Steve has updated the roadmap (Discussed in agenda).
  • Steve is beginning to finalising ICAT 4.5 with only minor outstanding bugs to be fixed before release. Lucene has been removed from the 4.5 release.
  • A new version of python-icat has been released. The source repository of python-icat has been moved to GitHub.
  • Frazer informed the group that the work on Globus Transfer has resumed with PAM authenticators being built to work with ICAT.
  • Kevin reported that the Artemis version of WebDAV is progressing well with a pre-production system being launched within the upcoming weeks. The current version has been speed tested and is to undergo resilience testing before being pushed to pre-production. Kevin also mentions that once stable in production on Artemis is should only be a further few weeks until a general version is released.
  • TopCAT V2 has just entered Sprint 1 after a Sprint review with the product owners and users. Wayne mentioned there was a lot of positive feedback and that new requests have emerged from the Sprint review. Wayne also mentioned that there is a live working test version for people to use. TopCAT V2 is expected to be rolled out for all sites by the end of the summer.
  • Brian informed the group that a login dialog created for IJP AngularJS GUI. He also mentioned that there has been interface changes between the IJP server and the batch connectors. Work is ongoing to prepare the installation of the IJP on CLF systems, with it currently running on two test VM’s. Brian is also investigating the current configurations on the CLF machines and how they interact with the IJP changes. Brian mentioned he has also been working on converting CLF job scripts to work with the new options passing mechanism; this still requires testing.
  • Steve is looking into porting the ICAT installer to work with Mac OS. Steve mentioned he now has a machine to begin this development but is yet to start.
  • Steve informed the group that the migration of the ICAT source code from googlecode to GitHub has begun with most components migrated successfully. Steve mentioned that the issues and wiki pages do not migrate in the same way and proposed several solutions on how this can be achieved. Whether or not the wiki and issue pages should live on the repos of each component or in a stand alone repo needs to be investigated further before a decision is made.
  • The roadmap has been circulated to the Steering group and group members for feedback. A website review is to be added to the roadmap at the suggestion of Andy.
  • The ESRF are to continue using ICAT alongside ISPyB and are planning to roll out ICAT for use on all beamlines.
  • The ESS are committed to using ICAT and wish to hold talks regarding the work they would like to see surrounding ICAT.

This was Condie’s last ICAT meeting. He was thanked for all his contributions to the project.


85.0 Circulate notes and recording link from TopCAT V2 sprint review Tom
85.1 Circulate link and instructions for using the live test version of TopCAT V2 Wayne
85.2 Add a list of current sponsors to ICAT website Tom
85.3 Migrate ICAT Manager to the ICAT project GitHub Christophe
85.4 Add ESS to the steering group Andy
85.5 Ask Mantid for information on how they migrated wikis and issue to GitHub Tom
82.0 LDAP enhancement to work with a functional ID Steve
81.0 Report bug in eclipselink Steve
74.0 Look into JDBC connector resilience with Wildfly Steve
61.1 Put the simple ICAT browser into contrib when ready Condie