ICAT Project


Meeting 89 – 17 September 2015


  • Actions from meeting 88 (Steve)
  • Component development
    • ICAT (Steve)
    • ICAT Manager
    • Python-icat (Rolf)
    • IDS (Steve)
      • FUSE (Alex)
      • Globus transfer (Frazer)
      • SmartClient (Steve)
      • WebDAV (Kevin)
    • TopCAT (Wayne)
    • IJP (Brian R)
    • ICAT Dashboard (Alex)
    • Installation (Steve)
  • Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
  • AOB (Any)

Present: Milan, Steve, Tom, Jianguo, Brian M, Wayne, Alex, Andy, Rolf and Chris P

Action 87.0 All of the DOI scripts have been run for recent releases.

Action 87.1 Testing on OS X is complete. During testing Steve found that glassfish 4.0 doesn’t work with OS X which mean glassfish 4.2 would have to be used. ICAT however, doesn’t work with 4.2 so Steve proposes to wait for the WildFly configuation to be ready.

  • Steve has made available a ICAT 4.6 SNAPSHOT.  He is currently waiting for feedback from Wayne about the Lucene calls.
  • Steve has updated the authenticators to include the new getDescription calls. These are also available as SNAPSHOTS.
  • Steve has given Rolf a login to the repository but Rolf still requires an area.
  • Rolf had concerns that the ICAT might be leaning away from SOAP and as python-icat is a SOAP client this could mean having to change the code base. Steve commented on how ICAT will continue to have the option of using SOAP which answered Rolfs concerns.
  • Steve has released the ids.smartclient with .debian,  .rpm and .exe for windows. Steve is not far off from making a .pkg for OS X.
  • In Kevin’s absence Tom reported on webdav, informing the team that it will be out for testing within the next few weeks for CLF.
  • Wayne has released a V1.13 SNAPSHOT last week. This has added support for ICAT v4.5.
  • TopCat V2 is currently working with Https, globus and smartclient. There is currently an issue with Firefox and TopCat V2 that Wayne is currently investigating. There will be a Beta release of TopCat V2 soon.
  • Alex reported on the requirements meeting with ISIS for ICAT dashboard. No new requirements were captured.
  • Steve will be producing an updated installer once Topcat 1.13.0 is no longer a SNAPSHOT.
  • Steve is currently working on the Wildfly container and all is going well so



89.0 Steve to create area on github for ICAT dashboard. Steve
89.1 Provide feedback on icat.server 4.6.0 snapshot Wayne
88.0 Discuss use of existing icat sessions in python-icat with Rolf. Brian
87.5 Give permission to Rolf to allow write access to ICAT repositry Steve
85.2 Provide an example ICAT facility page for ISIS in icatproject.org Tom
85.3 Migrate ICAT Manager to the ICAT project GitHub Christophe/Andy
81.0 Report bug in eclipselink Steve
74.0 Look into JDBC connector resilience with Wildfly Steve