ICAT Project


Meeting 101 – 22 September 2016


  • Actions from meeting 100 (Steve)
  • Component development
    • ICAT (Steve)
    • ICAT Manager (Alex)
    • Python-icat (Rolf)
    • IDS (Steve)
      • PollCat (Frazer)
      • SmartClient (Steve)
      • WebDAV (Tom Gowland)
    • TopCAT (Jody)
    • IJP (Brian R)
    • ICAT Dashboard (Tom Gowland)
    • Multi-container support (Steve)
    • Installation (Steve)
  • Face to Face meeting for 2016 and NOBUGS (Steve)
  • Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
  • AOB (Any)

Present: Steve, Kevin, Frazer, Jody, Jeremy, Tom Griffin, Tom Gowland, Jianguo, Milan, Peter, Rolf, Andy, Gordon Brown, Brian M

Apologies: Cathy

Action 98.1: Kevin has been looking into the states for STFC production deployments and is working on producing the report.

Action 99.0: Produce a screencast for the TopCAT demo: Tom Gowland reported that he has split the screencast into two separate videos, one aimed at facilities and another, shorter video aimed at users. He also reported that he is looking for feeback about the screencasts.

Action 100.0: There turned out to be no upgrade path needed and Jody was able to confirm this.

  • ICAT: Steve reported that he has improved the documentation for the ICAT client and server. He also reported that he has released the 4.8.0 snapshot. This update allows the server to update individual attributes for DOIs and it also adds the clone entity operation. The client now has a new python class which uses the RESTful API and handles error conditions better.
  • IDS: Steve reported that the IDS now supports multiple datafiles that have the same location.
  • WebDav: Tom Gowland reported that he has been working on making WebDav more responsive as well as allowing it to be more dynamic. He has been working on issues related to Windows file path issues where certain characters are not allowed. Steve reported that WestLife are interested in WebDav.
  • TopCAT: Jody reported that there has been a significance performance increase mainly due to the optimization of the loading spinners. TopCAT is now also more pluggable and he is currently working on a DOI plugin which can be used at Diamond and now thinks it will be more sensible to produce a separate DOI plugin for ISIS if the Diamond one can’t be used there.
  • Dashboard: Tom Gowland reported that he has been working through the various tickets surrounding Dashboard in the hope to get a more easily deployable application that works for multiple hierarchies. He has also been doing some front-end development to add more graphs to the main pages of Dashboard.
  • NOBUGS: Steve reported that the deadline for submitting talks is the 4 ^(th) of October. Brian Matthews commented that he thinks that there should be a reference paper for ICAT and the ICAT family in general. Steve also appealed for anyone wishing to do a site report as well as anyone happy to do a session about using Docker. Rolf and Peter agreed to do a session on Docker.
  • AOB: Rolf reported that if IDS gets an I/O error that it currently isn’t logged. Steve said that he would look into it. Andy reported problems with Lucene and asked if they could be down to the specification of his machine. Kevin reported that this should be addressed in the report that he is producing and there was general agreement that 500MB was probably not enough RAM for Lucene indexing. Brian Matthews reported that the Research Data Alliance (RDA) are interested in the interop abilities between ICAT and other data catalogues.
Item Description Assigned
98.1 Publish state for STFC production deployments Kevin