Meeting 97 – 26 May 2016
- Actions from meeting 96 (Steve)
- Component development
- ICAT (Steve)
- ICAT Manager (Alex)
- Python-icat (Rolf)
- IDS (Steve)
FUSE (Alex)- Globus transfer (Frazer)
- SmartClient (Steve)
- WebDAV (Kevin)
- TopCAT (Jody)
- IJP (Brian R)
- ICAT Dashboard (Alex P-D)
Multi-container support (Steve)Installation (Steve)
- Face to Face meeting for 2016 (Steve)
- Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
- AOB (Any)
Apologies: Brian R, Alex dM, Alex P-D
Present: Rolf, Shelly, Milan, Frazer, Rebecca, Sylvia, Jody, Jianguo, Tom, Steve, Brian M, Peter
Action 96.0: Tom has now identified someone who would be able to produce the TopCAT screencast however the action will remain with Tom for the present.
Action 96.1: The dashboard snapshot has been delayed because of concerns expressed by an STFC DBA about some potentially expensive queries.
Action 92.2: Jianguo has provided information on Octopus’s use and potential future use of ICAT components.
Action 74.0: Steve has finally looked into JDBC connector resilience with Wildfly. He reported that the mechanism is rather different from the Glassfish one but it would appear to be OK and has been coded into the library.
- Steve reported that a number of components – in particular icat.server and and icat.client 4.7.0 and ids.server 1.6.0 has been released.
- Rolf told the meeting that python-icat 0.11 was almost ready.
- Frazer explained that the IDS Globus transfer was better called PollCat and that it had a number of plugins – one of which was for Globus file transfer. PollCat is currently in a private repository but will shortly be moved.
- Kevin said that the WebDav interface was still not general and so will remain in a private repository until it has been made more general.
- Jody reported that a second TopCAT 2.0.1 snapshot has been produced. This may be one that can be released. It is currently planned to add DOI generation to the next TopCAT – presumably 2.1.0. Rolf said he would like to see file upload (which was in TopCAT 1.13.0) to be added as well.
- Rebecca said that Brian was restructuring the Rest API of the IJP server to be JSON only and that there were plans to allow TopCAT to be able to make calls to this IJP server.
Item | Description | Assigned |
96.0 | Assign screencast role for the TopCAT demo | Tom |
96.1 | Release a snapshot of the Dashboard | Alex/Steve |