ICAT Project


Meeting 98 – 23 June 2016


  • Actions from meeting 97 (Steve)
  • Component development
    • ICAT (Steve)
    • ICAT Manager (Alex)
    • Python-icat (Rolf)
    • IDS (Steve)
      • FUSE (Alex)
      • PollCat (Frazer)
      • SmartClient (Steve)
      • WebDAV (Kevin)
    • TopCAT (Jody)
    • IJP (Brian R)
    • ICAT Dashboard (Alex P-D)
    • Multi-container support (Steve)
    • Installation (Steve)
  • Face to Face meeting for 2016 and NOBUGS (Steve)
  • Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
  • AOB (Any)

Present:Present: Steve, Kevin, Tom, Becky, Jianguo, Brian R, Sylvie, Peter, Milan, Rolf, Alex dM, Shelley

Action 96.1 Release a snapshot of the Dashboard. This has gone into production for ISIS but has not been formally released. This will be addressed when Alex P-D is back.

  • Python-icat: Rolf reported that he had released version 0.11.0 with support for icat 4.7
  • IDS: Steve has been thinking about multiple servers and multiple caches. This will be discussed at RAL and then the ideas circulated unless the ideas turn out not to be useful.
  • PollCat:  Frazer has moved the code to the icatproject github.
  • SmartClient: Steve reported that there had been no changes and that he was still waiting for integration into TopCAT by Jody.
  • WebDAV: Kevin reported that Alex was due to make it more generic so that it could aslo be used by ISIS.  Octopus/CLF are considering using it. He also reported that there is a known vulnerability with WebDAV and that he working on a fix.
  • TopCAT: Kevin reported that Jody had deployed a new version for ISIS but that this is an ad-hoc snapshot.
  • IJP: Brian R reported that the new AngularJS GUI being developed by Becky is taking shape and that he is still
    working on getting the RESTful API to the point where the GUI can use it. Generally this means changing the responses to return JSON objects with all the info that the GUI needs.
  • ICAT Dashboard: Kevin reported that  Alex P-D had installed it for ISIS. The results are interesting . It will be released properly once Alex is back.
  • repo.icatproject.org : Steve reported that this was now ready to  be published to by maven. To get to use it you just need a username/password to be stored on the server.
  • The NOBUGS abstract deadline is 1st July. Steve suggests paper on recent developments in ICAT and Tom suggests a separate publication on IJP as talks are limited to 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Rolf asks does anybody know anything about memory usage of glassfish in deployments? HZB are planning to buy hardware, so need estimates. Tom replied that STFC  use VMs and could circulate specs for them. The IDS is run on a physical box to get the best network performance.
  • Rolf told the meeting that HZB were adopting a data policy which was  due to be published. There was an interst from the meeting in seeing this policy.
  • Tom announced that he is leaving Scientific Computing Department to become the ISIS computing group leader. He will be less directly involved in ICAT, but will appear from time to


Item Description Assigned
96.0 Assign screencast role for the TopCAT demo Tom
96.1 Release a snapshot of the Dashboard Alex/Steve
98.0 Get Brian R a miredot licence for the IJP. Steve
98.1 Publish stats for STFC production deployments. Tom and Kevin
98.2 Distribute pointer to  HZB data policy when it is published Rolf