Meeting 111 – 26th October 2017
- Actions from meeting 110 (Stuart)
- Component development
- ICAT (Steve/Stuart)
- ICAT Manager (Alex)
- Python-icat (Rolf)
- IDS (Steve/Stuart)
FUSE- PollCat (Frazer)
SmartClient (Steve)- IDAV (Jamie)
- TopCAT (Brian)
- IJP (Brian R/Alastair)
- ICAT Dashboard (Jamie)
- Multi-container support (Steve)
- Website/Documentation (Stuart)
- Next F2F Meeting – Stuart
- Issues from ICAT production deployments (Any)
- AOB (Any)
Present: Brian, Tom Griffin, Frazer, Kevin, Stuart, Andy, Alex, Maxime,
Rolf, Milan, Peter
Apologies: Silvia, Steve
Actions from previous:
102.2 – Brian is still working on this!
110.1 – The ICAT Manger download link has been fixed
ICAT Components:
Steve is continuing to handover the ICAT components to Stuart.
IDS – Rolf reports that he still has pull requests open on the IDS. Stuart says he will look at them with Steve.
Topcat- Brian reminds everyone to skip Topcat 2.3.4 as the file is corrupt. Brian reports a few of the new features/issues he’s currently working on: an info button on rows to toggle the meta tabs, a loading page on start-up and fixing the download count when using multiple facilities. Rolf asks Brian to look at the issue he posted to the group regarding passing ids and ICAT URLs to the RESTful API.
Installation and website – Tutorial to be tested by Maxime, Stuart welcomes any feedback.
Stuart reminds everyone that registration is still open. Stuart is asked to send round an outline of the agenda so people know what time to book flights for. It’s suggested to prepare as much as possible for the document sprint to make the most efficient use of the time available. It’s also suggested to discuss the use of DOI’s at the F2F.
Stuart reports he has an apprentice who’s working on converting the ICAT install instructions to Ansible. This can be used in continuous integration to test the ICAT components. In the future could be potentially used for Selenium testing.
Item | Description | Assigned |
102.2 | Produce new releases of IJP components | Brian Ritchie |
111.1 | Look at Rolf’s IDS pull request | Stuart and Steve |
111.2 | Send outline of agenda for F2F | Stuart |