Meeting 113 – 8th February 2018 (January Meeting delayed)
Attendees: Catherine Jones (CJ), Brian Ritchie (BR) , Rolf Krahl (RK), Brian Matthew (BM), Milan (M), Andy Gotz (AG), Alex de Maria (AM)
Apologies: Stuart Pullinger
Actions from previous:
102.2 – BR is still working on this!
112.1 – SP has granted RK access to the GitHub repository.
ICAT Components:
IDS – RK reports he’s added the new locking mechanism ready for the 1.9 release. Most open issues for 1.9 are complete. RK is also waiting for SP to review the Pull Requests open in GitHub as it decided at the F2F to review code before merging.
Topcat – BR reports no changes recently except getting the Travis build working. Screen flicker issue reported again and BR has found a fix but it is going to require more testing to make sure it doesn’t break anything else.
Nothing to report on all other components.
Site Updates
Diamond – CJ reports on behalf of SP that diamond have moved their preprod to Payara, no problems apart from changing the setup scripts for the old components as already known.
ESRF – AM reports they have a basic version implemented of automatic DOI minting for new investigations with a dynamically created landing page. Currently using test DOIs to check everything is working correctly before putting into production.
Milan – Announces it now official that the EST will be using the ICAT stack.
RDA Berlin Meeting
RK reminds us of the RDA meeting in March with the 2-day meeting before 19 ^(th) /20 ^(th) . RK asks if ESRF would like to present at the workshop. AM says he could talk about something like ‘how to map nexus files to ICAT’ or the ‘overview of data management at ESRF’. Anyone who wants to should send ideas for contributions to RK. ICAT steering committee meeting set to go ahead even though AG cannot attend in person.
AG explains they’re looking at create a federated API that can be used to access ICAT and other data cataloguing systems. The project also involves looking at data policies and data stewardship and checking their compliance with the FAIR data principles.
AM suggests thinking about the replacement for Topcat and how can the ESRF make their requirements known. CJ suggests a separate meeting should be scheduled to find out what’s essential from each of the facilities using Topcat, and then a technology can be decided on. It is decided to hold this before the Berlin meeting so discussion can continue there.
CJ announces STFC has successfully recruited a Topcat developer due to start in the summer and that a graduate will be joining us in the autumn to work on the ICAT stack.
Actions **
Item | Description | Assigned |
102.2 | Produce new releases of IJP components | Brian Ritchie |
113.1 | Look at Rolfs IDS pull request | Stuart Pullinger |
113.2 | Organise a meeting for the |