Meeting 114 – 22nd February 2018
Stuart Pullinger (SP), Silvia Da Graca Ramos, (SR), Brian Ritchie, (BR), Rolf Krhl (RK), Alex de Maria (AM), Maxime Chaillet (MC).
Apologies: Andy Gotz, Catherine Jones.
Actions from previous
102.2 – BR still working on this.
113.1 – SP has looked and commented on one of the pull requests for IDS server. Still another for SP to look at as well as new pull request from RK on IDS plugin regarding abstract class changes.
113.2 – CJ will organise the Topcat development meeting for before steering committee meeting.
ICAT Components
Website and Manual – SP reports he is working on the website as well as updating the manual and hopes to have something to show by March for steering committee meeting.
IDS Server – RK reports IDS server 1.9.0 snapshot created, includes new locking mechanism that’s been in master since August and the pull requests that are still pending.
IDS Plugin – RK reports 1.4.0 snapshot created. This release simplifies the abstract classes, along with new documentation.
Site Updates
Diamond – SR reports diamond IDS updated to 1.8 on preprod with no problems, along with more Glassfish to Payara updates
ESRF – AM reports updating from ICAT server 4.8 to 4.9.1 to fix performance issue with updating investigation with thousands of datasets. Also updating from Glassfish to Payara, SP mentions install script version problem but AM already aware.
AM asks about the Lucene index, RK confirms it is only required for text searching ICAT and not anything else. SR mentions if using Lucene and database manually edited the Lucene Index will need force updating.
RK mentions he still needs title of talks for RDA meeting in March. Also RK mentions that the next scheduled monthly meeting will be in the same week as the steering committee meeting so it’s decided to rearrange the monthly meeting to the 29^(th) of March.
Item | Description | Assigned |
102.2 | Produce new releases of IJP components | Brian Ritchie |
113.1 | Look at Rolfs IDS Server and IDS Plugin pull request | Stuart Pullinger |
113.2 | Organise a meeting for the discussion of a Topcat replacement | Catherine Jones |