ICAT Collaboration Meeting - 28th September 2023
- Patrick
- Andy
- Rolf
- Louise
- Viktor
- Kirsty
- Alan
- Alex
- Allan
Site Updates
- Working on the MX use cases
- Deployed for some months, with ongoing testing
- Contact friendly users next week
- In a better position that ispyb
- Room for improvement, possibility to add features beyond ispyb
- Rolf: Our MX group does not have ispyb, plans to use it, would be nice to use the ESRF methods out of the box
- Private meeting to discuss? Will need to contact the group
- ispyb meeting at the end of November
- Performance was a worry but actually is not bad
- Issues with downloading files of ~2GB via HTTP?
- DLS have had people attempting ~TB, but expect these to fail
- Rolf has had issues, but it was the clientside network (i.e. failed at home, succeeded at office)
- Alex also has these difficulties from home
- ESRF IT thinks it could be IDS config - could be a limit?
- Louise to test on an ISIS file as that's 1 level storage
- ESRF have GLOBUS, but majority of open data is not visible on GLOBUS via file permissions so is not suitable
- ICAT still offline, unknown when it will come up
- Internal Gitlab is back online
- Lots of upcoming project meetings
- ICAT components pending release will probably not be until November
- DLS using ICAT6 but are and can continue to use SNAPSHOTs
No attendees
- Tried data ingest
- Sample tracking meeting: perhaps try another week
- Want ESRF to participate but Alex isn't available, clashes with ICALEPCS
- Going to send another poll
No news
Still concerns about performance in the DB from Payara6 change
- Request duplication fix in DG
- Update Oracle drivers to auto
Component Updates
authn.oidc & icat.oaipmh
No contact from ALBA, SESAME - will have to remove them from authorship if they can't be reached
Deadline Monday evening?
- Need to address comments from Rolf: Patrick
- Need to update final diagram: Patrick
- Check for missing citatons: Patrick
- DataGateway content needed: Louise
- DataHub content needed: Alex
- datagateway/common search api - add reference to this section (non accademic is fine, we can use the webpage): Viktor
- Python icat: Rolf
- ICAT+: Alex?
- Sample tracking: Alex
Science use cases:
- Cryo-EM needs content: Alex
- MX needs content (50-100 parameters should be focus of use case): Alex
- ISIS needs content: Louise
- ESRF needs figures: Andy
- HZB needs content: Rolf
- ALBA: ?
- SIRIUS: Allan
- indico site from previous workshop: ROlf
Next steps:
- Expand on containerisation: Rolf?
- Needs expanding
E-logbooks meeting
- Meeting went well, but need to define next steps soon
- General idea is that the e-logbook will be treated as another ICAT component (in time)
- MongDB has a problematic license... Rolf suspects the e-logbook use case is not compliant with the license
- Derived from GPL, but if you derive from MongoDB you have to use their license
- CoachDB as an alternative
- Consensus seems to be that this is not apply to us as we will not be offering MongoDB functionality, we are just using it as a DB which is allowed
- Test of model federation in DataGateway:
- Could do this
- Not planning on anytime soon
- Would be nice to know if different versions of React can work together in practice
Other meetings
Next Collaboration Meeting
Clashes with International Data Week