Final Glassfish 4.0 Release
This is the final set of releases that have been tested and are known to work on Glassfish 4.0. There is a similar page which describes those releases which have been tested on Payara 41.
Top page for each component
From the top page of each component go to the release you want -- normally the highest number as listed below. You can find release notes, installation instructions and the distribution in addition to user and developer documentation.
- authn.anon 1.1.1
- authn.db 1.2.1
- authn.ldap 1.2.0
- authn_shib2local 1.1.0 (not compatible with icat.server 4.6.0 and later)
- authn.simple 1.1.0
- icat.server 4.8.0
- icat.client 4.8.0
- ice 1.0.0 -- Will not be developed further. Please use the icat manager instead.
- icat-setup 1.1.0 -- Will not be developed further. Please use the icat manager or the import offered by the ICAT restful interface instead.
- ids.server 1.8.0
- ids.client 1.3.0
- ids.plugin 1.3.1
- ids.storage_file 1.4.0
- ijp.demo 1.0.0
- ijp.server 2.0.1
- ijp.unixbatch 1.0.0
- topcat 2.3.0
Issues with the current releases
- If you choose to use the IDS client without maven you will need to locate three extra jars to add to your classpath. For convenience they are available below
- authn.db
- Please manually uninstall (asadmin undeploy ...) any previous versions before updating to 1.2.1