ICAT Project


Meeting 122 - 22nd November 2018


Alex de Maria (AM), Maxime, Brian Ritchie (BR), Stuart Pullinger (SP), Rolf Krahl (RK), Chris Prosser (CP), Silvie Da Graca Ramos (SR), Louise Davies (LD), Lukas Masaitis, Nick Cook


Bruno Canning, Catherine Jones, Milan

ICAT Components:

ICAT Server (SP):

  • New release now available: 4.9.2
  • Includes a minor upgrade to a dependency to fix a security issue
  • New configuration option to choose which entities are included in the lucene index. Allows Diamond to remove Datafiles from the lucene index.
  • In preparing the release, I found a problem with the fix for issue 202 (JMS Session not closed if an exception is thrown) so it was not included in this release. A future release will address this.
  • Basic Travis CI configurations are being included for ICAT components to automate running unit tests. They will be extended to run integration tests eventually.


  • Bug fix for issue 202 above will be released as 1.9.1 soon

Python-ICAT (RK):

Nothing to report

Topcat (BR)

  • 2.4.1 released on 2nd November.
  • getSize calculations now use the IdsClient API (issue #386), which should improve performance.
  • fix issue #379 : restore copying topcat.css into styles/ in setup [this clears an error message that was appearing in the FF console]
  • fix issue #381 : IcatClient.getFullName returns UserName if no FullName is found [was causing problems for the DAaaS plugin]
  • fix issue #384 : Cart no longer inherited by different user on same browser; also, if a different user logs in, the browse path is reset.
  • added optional “disabled” flag to site.search configuration in topcat.json.
  • If present and true, the Search tab will not be added. [required for Diamond]

Since then, some small changes that will become part of 2.4.2:

  • improve DOI redirection failure message (issue #388)
  • mail configuration properties can be removed if not required (issue #389)

but these are not show-stoppers so no urgency to release them yet.


Nothing to report.

Site Updates


  • Upgraded icat.server from 4.8.0 to 4.9.2
    • now using separate Lucene component
    • and rest authenticators
    • configured to prevent lucene from indexing Datafiles on ingest.
  • IDS is still on 1.8.0. Awaiting fix for bug


  • Upgraded to icat.server 4.9.2 and TopCat 2.4.1


  • INFRAEOSC-5 ExPaNDS H2020 proposal has now been submitted. (SP)
  • ALBA will be installing the ICAT Stack. (AM)


Alex demonstrated the new web interface to ICAT being developed at ESRF. Slides of the presentation are available here: Datahub Demo.


113.2 Organise a meeting for the discussion of a Topcat replacement Catherine Jones
119.1 Review and update instructions for Apache proxy configuration. SP and RK

Next meeting proposed for Thursday 20th December at 3pm UK time. SP to email icatgroup earlier that week to see if there is interest in having a meeting.