Dublin 2014
Dublin Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, March 2014
ICAT collaboration and its governance – Brian Matthews
Site reports
DLS – Alun Ashton (presented by Tom Griffin)
python-icat – a library for writing ICAT clients in Python – Rolf Krahl
A domain specific ICAT GUI – Tom Griffin
Experience of the ICAT API and Documentation – Jay Rainey
J2EE containers – Steve Fisher
Status and Roadmap
ICAT Core, IDS and IJP – Steve Fisher
A good and constructive meeting
Tom's domain specific GUI looks very promising
Jay liked the speed and simplicity of ICAT4.3 compared to ICAT 3 but requested some clarifications to the documentation
Very few people have actually used the ICAT API.
Rolf's suggestion to add an InvestigationGroup was interesting and will de discussed further on the icatgroup list before deciding whether or not to accept it.
There was not much enthusiasm for trying other J2EE containers at the moment.
The Status and Roadmap presentations were accepted but:
- There was no interest in changing the getAPIVersion() to have a more sensible name.
- The config operation of the setup scripts should be preserved though should not be required.
- There was concern that the Lucene index was a single point of failure in a multi-ICAT setup – it was also pointed out that it could require a lot of memory.
- The federation part of TopCAT was considered to be essential by a significant number of people – so multi-ICAT searches will be kept.
It was suggested that an existing abstraction of a job system should be used when generalising the IJP. In factthe only one I found was BLAH of which I was aware but had forgotten.
Many thanks to John Walsh and TCD for the organisation.