ICAT F2F at NOBUGS 2016, Copenhagen
The talks given are listed below...
- Icat Overview -- Steve Fisher
- Demo script -- this might help to see steps to get started with an installation of the ICAT components -- Steve Fisher
- How to write an Authenticator Plugin -- Jody Salt
- Authorization Rules -- Tom Griffin
- The Dashboard -- Tom Gowland
- TopCAT -- Jody Salt
- Ingesting data into ICAT -- Kevin Phipps
- Ingestion with python-icat -- Rolf Krahl
- The ICAT Data Server (IDS) -- Steve Fisher
- ICAT in production -- Kevin Phipps
- OAI-PMH server for ICAT data -- Rolf Krahl
- Using Docker with ICAT and a "script" -- Rolf Krahl
- Using Docker with ICAT -- Peter Parker
- IDSlocking -- These slides were not presented publicly during the meeting but are still of great interest -- Rolf Krahl
Site reports
- ORNL -- Peter Parker
- ISIS -- Tom Gowland
- DLS -- Sylvie da Graca
- CLF -- Kevin Phipps
- Octopus -- Brian Ritchie
- ESRF -- Alex de Maria
- HZB -- Rolf Krahl
The Roadmap
- Introduction, icat and ids servers etc -- Steve Fisher
- PollCAT -- Frazer Barnsley
- idav -- Kevin Phipps
- TopCAT -- Jody Salt
- IJP -- Brian Ritchie
- Dashboard -- Tom Gowland
- Python-icat -- Rolf Krahl
- ICAT Manager -- Alex de Maria