STFC 2017
ICAT F2F at STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, November 2017
Component Updates
- ICAT Server (Steve Fisher)
- ICAT Manager (Alex de Maria Antolinos)
- Python-ICAT (Rolf Krahl)
- ICAT Data Service: past year (Steve Fisher) / next year (Rolf Krahl)
- TopCat (Brian Ritchie)
- ICAT Job Portal (Brian Ritchie)
- Multi-container support (Steve Fisher)
- ICAT Dashboard (Tom Griffin)
- DAAS Developments (Frazer Barnsley)
Guest Speakers
- Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)
- Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
Site Updates
- Diamond Light Source (DLS)
- ESRF (Alex de Maria Antolinos)
- HZB (Rolf Krahl)
- STFC – ISIS (Jamie Shears)
ICAT Developments at HZB (Rolf Krahl)
Schema Changes
- Schema Change Suggestions (Rolf Krahl)
- Ideas for ICAT's future direction (Steve Fisher)
Data Volumes
- Increases in data volumes and the challenges this brings (Andrew Richards)
- ESRF long term archiving approach (Alex de Maria Antolinos)
Development processes and experiences
- Experience writing a TopCat plugin (Alex de Maria Antolinos)
- Changes to the collaborative process (Stuart Pullinger)